Andrew gave an interview to Vents Magazine
I gave an interview to Vents Magazine. Here's an excerpt:
Vents Magazine: Hi guys, welcome to VENTS! How have you been?
Andrew Neesley: We’re great, thanks!
VM: Can you please introduce and tell us more about Jesus On The Mainline?
AN: This is Andrew Neesley, singer and band leader. We got together as a band in late 2012.Many of us have played together in previous bands, one-off gigs, tours, etc. Tomek, our bassist, and I worked together on an album for another band a while ago. We liked working together–and found out that we’re both from Wisco. That sealed the deal. Tomek brought aboard his roommate at the time, Dave Scalia, our drummer–also from Wisco. Singer Mel and I have been making music together for years and, you guessed it, is also a Wisco transplant. The story runs the same throughout the band. The finest musicians I know, and with whom am very close friends.
Read the rest of the interview here.